Thursday, March 15, 2012

could it get worse???

uh...i didn't want to run complain a shoulders hurt...1. i worked out too hard at dragonboat practice yesterday 2. since i pitched my whole life my shoulders ache periodically when i run 3. I wear something half of the population doesn't have to wear...a bra...if you don't know what that has straps that go over your point is today was my lucky day and my shoulders hurt...and i wasn't running fast enough for my was pulling my summary it wasn't the best run of my life...oh and it wasn't raining when i started running so just like an idiot i didn't wear a hat or a vest...and of poured after i got started...fml.

one thing happened today that has NEVER happened before...i was crossing a major intersection and as soon as i got to the other side...i froze...there was a rat...i literally stopped in my tracks and pointed and dog didn't even notice the nasty looked at me and just sauntered off into the big deal...nothing...SO NASTY.  once it went into the bushes i started running again...the only thing that tops that as the nastiest thing that has ever happened to me while running is when my dog started eating something and as was habit i yelled no and swiped my hand in her mouth to get out whatever she was eating...just to find out is was someone or somethings had squished super soft green poop on my grass or weeds to get it all removed...i smelled the poop the whole way home....that was nasty...but this rat...was pretty nasty too.  I have never seen a rat in plain daylight kickin it on the sidewalk.

sooo...moral is i'm not really feeling like a red rockstar today but hopefully i can get my swag back by saturday morn.

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